Plastered 8
Plastered 8 Beijing was founded in 2006 as an iconic T-shirt brand. It went nuts, had great successes and failures. Our artwork made it from our T-shirts into galleries and installations — We worked with so many talented artists and we did some great collaborations with some great brands. (Check out our project page- link) Our Beijing products are mostly sold out and now we are creating in Hong Kong for Hong Kong.
The Artists

After I opened the first Plastered 8 T-shirt shop I was under huge pressure to create more artwork to keep the business alive. I was cornered into becoming an artist and it worked out ok. I lived in Beijing for 28 years. That was mind blowing. Now I’m in Hong Kong and its fucking exciting. What I see as beautiful, ridiculous and entertaining usually become the basis for my ideas.
Da Qian
Da Qian aka Dark Questions is an artist from Beijing and has been the dark force behind Plastered’s creative success for the last 7 years. All Da Qian wants for his intro: “The responsibility of the young is to challenge the foolish corrupt, the wise corrupt, and the wicked corrupt.” This sentence is largely the motivation for Da Qian’s creations.

Da Qian and Dominic like to collectively call themselves “4B” which is “2B” times two (2B means stupid idiots in Beijing).

We pursue creative projects for other brands and collaborate. You can see some magical examples on our projects page – link. Get in touch via our contact page